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To apply for CE mark on the products without having the supporting documents (Test reports, TCF, Declarations, etc ...) is a crime. The CE rules are complex and sometimes very difficult to understand and easily get caught up in errors. To get informations before, can prevent serious problems.Our engineer are available and will answer in a short time.
Ask for a free consultancy now.
So called Certifications or Declaration of OCmpliance made in China they are outlaw in Europe. It is the importer who has to put the products in conformity and to draw his Compliance Declaration
Nobody is on the safe side. take a look at the locked products on week #50 of 2017 and seethe big trade mark players having problems. To prevent is much better.
Ask for a free consultancy now.
Before to import it is mandatory to know rules, regulations, and how to apply them correctly. Even if you import from inside the UE you may be responsible on some documentation about products safety because both resellers and distributors they must check on docmumentation.
Protect yourself and your customers.
Ask for a free consultancy now.
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